Supreme King Jadens Evil HERO monsters are back in a big way! Evil versions of Elemental Heroes Bubbleman and Prisma are coming, and the Supreme King's new version of Neos, which has the power to take over your opponent's monsters! 100 cards across the whole set.
EXODIA, OBLITERATE! The two words that cemented YuGiOh! as a global sensation! The Infinite Forbidden returns the game to where it all began with a new strategy featuring the unstoppable Exodia! By revealing all 5 pieces of Exodia from your hand or Deck, or having them on the field, youll be able to Summon a brand-new Exodia Fusion Monster! 100 cards across the whole set.
Revisit memorable moments from the tear-jerking final Duel between Yugi Muto and Atem with new versions of Silent Magician and Silent Swordsman, a new monster with artwork that features all three of the original Gadget trio, and new cards that draw inspiration from Card of Sanctity and Ties of the Brethren. 100 cards across the whole set.
Dont close your eyes Phantom Nightmare is lurking just around the corner! This 100-new-card set is loaded with astounding new cards that are the stuff your dreams are made of (and your opponents nightmares
). 100 cards across the whole set.
A new age dawns with Age of Overlord. You can discover the ancient secrets of brand-new themes and unlock the untapped potential of themes from the past emboldened by new cards! 100 cards across the whole set.
Take your Synchro Summoning strategies to a whole new universe of speed with new cards inspired by Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds, including the mighty Crimson Dragon from the anime series, now brought to life as an actual Synchro Monster! Duelist Nexus also includes a brand-new World Premiere theme and introduces Quarter Century Secret Rares to core boosters for the first time!
Enter the Data Storm and take hold of extraordinary new monsters, Spells, and Traps in Cyberstorm Access. Cyberstorm Access has a huge haul of powerful new monsters for your Extra Deck, headlined by a brand-new Link-6 evolution of Firewall Dragon! Contains 100 new cards.
This 100-card set lets your Deck shine brighter than ever before with brand-new cards for Kite Tenjos Photon and Galaxy strategies from Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL!
This 100-card set lets you take to the skies with new cards for Crows renowned Blackwing strategy from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds. Brand-new themes emerge as well as new cards you can include in the Deck you already have! Darkwing Blast is packed with cards ready to elevate your game to the next level!
Unleash the Power of the Elements this summer! Unearth multiple brand-new strategies and discover new cards for beloved themes like Elemental HERO from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX! Whether you are looking to improve the Deck you already have or try out new and unique strategies, Power of the Elements has something for everyone!
Break down the barriers of reality with Dimension Force. This 100-card set includes multiple brand-new themes as well as new cards for older strategies. Fans of Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V can swing into action with brand-new Performapal cards and a new Odd-Eyes monster thats the first ever Ritual Pendulum Monster!
This 100-card set features new cards that work with Yugi Mutos Dark Magician, including a new Ritual Monster, a new Fusion Monster, and a new Dragon form of Timaeus! There is plenty to look forward to in Battle of Chaos.
This 100-card set introduces multiple brand-new themes as well as 2 new Borrel monsters including the very first Ritual Monster for this iconic series of monsters from Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS! You can even find ways to revitalize famous cards from the past, like a whole new strategy based on the many Penguin monsters that have existed in the Yu-Gi-Oh!
Stardust Dragon takes flight once more in Dawn of Majesty! This 100-card core booster set transforms Yuseis signature Synchro Monster, hosts a gathering of Gizmeks, introduces a new Insect World Premiere theme, a new theme that can Fusion Summon or Ritual Summon using the same Spell Card! ..... and more!
Phantom Rage doesn't just remaster popular themes from the past, it unites them as well. You can find new Phantom Knight and Raidraptor cards, but you can also find new cards that are Phantom Knights AND Raidraptors! You can play these cards in their own Decks, but you can also create your own hybrid Deck that takes the best of each theme to max out your Xyz Summoning power. You can also find a new theme based on Fusion Summoning that excels at performing consecutive Fusion Summons.
Blazing Vortex both debuts a new combat-crazed World Premiere theme and spices things up with some World Premiere cards that turn the rules of engagement on their head, including a new Continuous Trap Card that forces Duelists to take turns playing their monster effects.
Phantom Rage doesn't just remaster popular themes from the past, it unites them as well. You can find new Phantom Knight and Raidraptor cards, but you can also find new cards that are Phantom Knights AND Raidraptors! You can play these cards in their own Decks, but you can also create your own hybrid Deck that takes the best of each theme to max out your Xyz Summoning power.
In Rise of the Duelist, Yugi's Gaia the Dragon Champion strategy has been remastered for the modern age! Classic cards like Gaia the Fierce Knight, Catapult Turtle, and more take on new forms in service of a new form of Gaia the Dragon Champion that stacks an extra 2600 ATK on to itself every time it wins a battle and can expend exactly that much ATK to destroy any card on the field without a fight! New Noble Knights rise from the pages of history!
Eternity Code follows directly on from Ignition Assault with new cards for @Ignister, Ancient Warriors, and the world premiere theme: Plunder Patroll! Its now easier than ever to take advantage of the Plunder Patrolls easy access to the Extra Deck. The ultimate @Ignister Link Monster is here!
Humanitys greatest fear has been realized! Dueling A.I.s have become sentient and organized their own army to take the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME by storm in Ignition Assault! Winter 2020s 100-card booster set heats things up with Ais @Ignister cards from the climax of Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS, multiple brand-new strategies, new cards for popular strategies, and powerful, general use cards that every Duelist will want to add to their arsenal!
Brace for Chaos Impact, Autumn's 2019s 100-card booster set! Building off themes from Rising Rampage, bringing new strategies to the limelight, and even supporting some classics, Chaos Impact is here to live up to its name and shake up the Dueling scene as we prepare for the new year!
The winds of change are blowing in Rising Rampage, the first 100-card booster set of the 2019-2020 Dueling season!
Spearheading the return of Xyz Monsters are the Super Quantum mecha pilots! These heroes are joined by a mysterious masked Super Quantum pilot clad in white! This pilot has their own Super Quantal mecha that negates monster effects and can join up with other monsters to form a new Link Monster variation on Super Quantal Mech King Great Magnus.
Cybernetic Horizon revitalized Ritual Summoning, and Soul Fusion created powerful Fusion Summoning strategies.Synchro Monsters from the series will make their real life debut in Savage Strike! And that's not even half of what awaits you in Savage Strike! You can also find a card that annihilates your opponent's hand and field if they negate a Summon or the activation of a card or effect, a Spell that lets you trade part of your Extra Deck for card drawing, new T.G. monsters, and more!
Soul Fusion returns to the roots of Yu-Gi-Oh! with new Fusion Summoning strategies! Deck themes from the earliest years of Dueling get a new lease on life, and there are more new cards to bolster strategies from recent releases as well. Here's some of what you can find in Soul Fusion!
Cybernetic Horizon includes new cards from Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS, revisits popular Deck themes introduced in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds eras, and includes cards that enhance strategies from Code of the Duelist, Circuit Break, Extreme Force, Flames of Destruction, Dark Saviors, and more!
Flames of Destruction will shake things up with new cards for established Deck themes, a brand-new Link Monster theme that can be played as its own Deck or spliced into existing strategies, the return of the Elemental Lords, and more! These new Link Monsters have flexible Link Materials that let you use them in any Deck, and each one has two abilities: one that you use when you Link Summon the monster and one thats always active.
Extreme Force features a number of powerful cards that Duelists can add to any Deck, as well as brand new strategies and individual cards to bolster old favorites, like Noble Knights. Extreme Force has several powerful new Link Monsters to help them catch up, including a LINK-4 monster that gains extra effects depending on the number of monsters used to Link Summon it.
Marionettes that move on their own, a mad scientist, and vengeful spirits returning to walk the earth are just the beginning of what you'll find in Circuit Break! This booster is also home to more Link Monsters, including a terrifying new 3000 ATK Dragon that can brainwash monsters it attacks. Memorable monsters reborn! Circuit Break has a wide variety of cards that let you do some incredible things no matter what kind of strategy you want to employ.
Code of the Duelist is the first booster in the link format and includes cards to bring the new mechanic's archetypes into relevance as well as being the first expansion in Series 10 and Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS.
The walls between dimensions are collapsing and the supreme king of destruction will rise in Maximum Crisis! Maximum Crisis is the climax of the 2016-2017 Dueling season, introducing three new themes as well as bold new cards for a wide variety of popular Decks.
Raging Tempest starts off three new themes and enhances many previously released themes, including strategies from Dimension of Chaos, Breakers of Shadow, High-Speed Riders, Wing Raiders, Dragons of Legend Unleashed, the Pendulum Domination Structure Deck, and even an upcoming Structure Deck!
Invasion: Vengeance introduces Starve Venom Fusion Dragon, a nefarious Fusion Monster that can steal the identity of enemy monsters, taking their effects and even their name! Starve Venom Fusion Dragon isnt tied to any one theme any Duelist who has DARK monsters in their Deck can use it.
Yugis legendary Dark Magician gets a big boost in The Dark Illusion booster set. The Dark Illusion includes new monsters for Dark Magician Decks as well, like the Magician of Dark Illusion, Magicians Robe, Magicians Rod, and even a Toon Dark Magician that can Summon other Toons from your Deck!
The saga of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon continues in Shining Victories! This brand-new core booster marks the return of Blue-Eyes White Dragon and a plethora of specially crafted Blue-Eyes monsters and support cards to help crush non-believers of Kaiba! Shining Victories also introduces a few new themes such as Lunalight, Digital Bug, and the devastating Amorphage Dragons, the living embodiments of the seven deadly sins!
Buster Blader is back as Buster Blader, the Destruction Swordmaster, with a mighty band of new support cards that make this iconic monster stronger than ever before! In addition to this legendary warrior, Breakers of Shadow also introduces exciting new Deck themes and strategies!
Dimension of Chaos lets Duelists power-up their Decks with the biggest collection of cards that make Black Luster Soldier more powerful than ever, plus a heap of cards for brand-new and existing Deck themes! Impressive Monster, Spell, and Trap cards bring Black Luster Soldier front and center, culminating in the powerful Black Luster Soldier Super Soldier!
Clash of Rebellion contains the first XYZ/Pendulum Monster and more powerful support for the 'Red-Eyes' theme - one of the iconic monsters from the Classic Yu-Gi-Oh! series and another strong Toon monster. It also contains a number of standalone strong cards, which will be played by a number of high-level decks.
Crossed Souls unlocks new Deck-building opportunities like never before. This 100-card set introduces the Zefra monsters, a new monster omni-theme that crosses over five different Deck types (Zefra/Shaddoll, Zefra/tellarknight, Zefra/Yang Zing, Zefra/Nekroz, or Zefra/Ritual Beast)!
Secrets of Eternity includes cards used by Yuya Sakaki, Noboru Gongenzaka, Shun Kurosaki, Hokuto Shijima, Yaiba Todo and Masumi Kotsu. Introduces the Nekroz, Ritual Beast and Yosenju archetypes to the TCG.
New Challengers introduces cards used by Yuma Tsukumo, Astral, Yuya Sakaki, Yuzu Hiragi, Noboru Gongenzaka, Sora Shiun'in, Yuto and Nash and contains members and/or support for the Fusion, Goblin, Machina, Melodious, Naturia, Number, Performapal, Shaddoll, Superheavy Samurai, tellarknight, Xyz, Burning Abyss, CXyz and Yang Zing archetypes. Normal set and Special Edition Set Cards.
Duelist Alliance is he first Booster in Series 9, ARC-V. It introduces Pendulum Monsters and Pendulum Summoning to the game and contains members of the Artifact, Archfiend, Batteryman, Battleguard, Lightsworn and The Agent archetypes and the Djinn of Rituals, Monarch and Wight series.
Primal Origin is the last set in the Zexal (8th) Series and contains more members and support for the Ancient Gear,Attribute Knight, Battlin' Boxer, Bujin, Dark World, Duston, Evol, Galaxy, Ghostrick, Gladiator Beast and many more
A ton of new Xyz Monsters are inside Legacy of the Valiant, allowing you to completely change how to fight. Get ready to be able to enjoy an exciting Duel.
Shadow Specters introduces the Malicevorous, Tanuki and Ghostrick archetypes. Contains more members for the Druid, Bujin, Gagaga, Battlin' Boxer, Vampire, Mecha Phantom Beast, Spirit, Monarch, Flower Princess, Duston and Number archetypes/series as well as new members and support for the Noble Knight archtype. 100 cards to collect in the set.
Judgement of the Light sees new Synchro Monsters make a BIG comeback, while fan favorites from past sets like Archfiends and Mecha Phantom Beasts see increased support. 100 cards to collect in the set.
Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy introduces a new theme as well as cards that enhance existing themes together with Xyz support cards, allowing for ever-increasing variety.
Released from their celestial prisons after millennia of penance, the Brotherhood of the Fire Fist walks the Earth once more, to cleanse the world of evil with the very fires of the heavens! Ignite the fires of YOUR destiny with Cosmo Blazer.
Abyss Rising introduces new Deck themes like the Mermail cards, the highly sought after Number cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal animated series and additional cards to support Madolche, Spellbook, and Prophecy Decks.
Time itself has gone out of control! Monsters that can see into the future. Monsters from the distant past. Monsters from
dessert??? Its a time-travel paradox gone wild. 100 cards set.
Galactic Overlord is the fourth and final booster to be released in the YuGiOh! Zexal era. This fabulous 100 card set contains the Heiratic and Bounzer archetypes, as well as support for Photon, Inzektor and Gagaga, amongst others
cked with 100 new cards for your Deck, Order of Chaos will unleash incredible energies that have been building up since the dawn of creation.
Packed with 100 new cards for your Deck, Photon Shockwave will unleash incredible energies that have been building up since the dawn of creation.
Generation Force is the first booster set to have the new 4th Generation of Yu-Gi-Oh! monsters: the easy-to-play Xyz Monsters! We have bothe the single crads from the main set and also the Special Edition Crads available
Extreme Victory takes Synchro Monsters to their ultimate extreme, with the new T.G. (Tech Genus) monsters. T.G. Decks are specially designed to crank out Synchro Monsters at a fast and furious pace. The set also brings the perfect counter to Synchro monsters in the form of Teklords, who destroy Synchro monsters and steal their effects.
Ragnarok! It's the legend of The End of the World in Norse mythology, and now it heralds a bold new age of Dueling for the Yugioh Trading Card Game.
Starstrike Blast has hit the Dueling world like a meteor, starting with two of the biggest Synchro Monsters ever: Shooting Star Dragon and Red Nova Dragon. Theres way more in Starstrike Blast than just big Synchro Monsters
This 100-card booster set brings you Fusion Monsters, including Yuseis 3200 ATK Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste. Also featuring one of the most talked-about Spell Cards in years: Pot of Duality. This latest Deck-thinning Spell Card lets you look at the top 3 cards of your Deck, and add 1 of those cards to your hand.
The Dueling world has changed forever. With the release of The Shining Darkness, Infernity Decks will rise up and take their place at the top of the totem pole, alongside Blackwings, Gladiator Beasts, Gadgets, and all the other Decks that have been winning at tournaments across the country.
Five unbelievable Synchro Monsters anchor this 100-card set, including new trump cards used by Yusei and Jack, as well as the amazing new Dragons of arch-villain Rex Goodwin. Absolute Powerforce also includes 10 World Premiere cards , plus 10 Bonus Cards previously available as promotional cards only in Japan
Stardust Overdrive features monsters from all 3 series of the Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series, including many of the monsters used by and against the Dark Signers. New Koa'ki Meiru cards, the awesome "Majestic Star Dragon" (with 3800 Attack Points) and new Blackwing, Fortune Ladies, Earthbound Immortals, Synchro monsters, and much more.
Ancient Prophecy is a 100-card set that introduces 10 brand new monsters , as well as the final Legendary Dragon Synchro Monster - Ancient Fairy Dragon! It also brings two new themes to the game - Jester and Fortune Lady, as well as further expanding the support for Blackwing, Earthbound Immortals and Koa'ki Meiru themed decks.
The fourth expansion single cards of the highly popular 5D series are almost here! Introduces the fourth of the Legendary Dragon Synchro Monsters! This 100-card set introduces 10 brand new monsters not even seen in Japan. including the mighty "Earthbound Immortals" - the first level 10 Synchro monsters.
The third expansion of the highly popular 5D series is here! With more amazing new Synchro monsters and the brand new Assault Mode monsters, this 100-card set is a must have. The set also brings more support for Psychic Plant and Alien decks as well as introducing a new theme - "Blackwing Monsters".
Get ready to wreak some havoc with the latest booster set. More exciting new Synchro monsters are introduced in this 100-card set and a new level 4 Tuner monster will also be making its debut allowing for faster and larger Synchro summoning. Sealed box contains 24 Booster Packs. Each pack has 9 cards including one rare one.
This 80 card booster set is a must have! Grab your D-Wheel & get ready to ride into action with the new YuGiOh 5D's series! This launches the new series of YuGiOh featuring all new cards, characters & a brand new Monster card type: Synchro Monsters!
This 100 card set introduces brand new LIGHT cards with all new deck types that allow players to banish opponent's cards light-years away! This set also includes the mysterious Arcana Force cards from Season 2 of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. Satorius' Arcane Force cards and many others.
Phantom Darkness introduces "Dark Monsters" (new series), with new series cards used by Yubel, Judai/Jaden, Johan/Jesse, O'Brien/Austin, Hell Kaiser/Zane and Edo/Aster included.
Gladiator's Assault introduces 10 special cards designed just for North and Latin American and European players, plus 5 highly anticipated Shueisha cards from Japan! [LINK]
Every aspect of the YuGiOh game evolves with Tactical Evolution! A new card type, a new card rarity and even a new way to win the game are introduced in the biggest Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG set in three years!
We have limited quantities of the Force of The Breaker Volcanic Rocket Sneak Preview Card. The full set of Single Cards will be available shortly
Witness the justice from Neospace, and behold the Strike of Neos. This set brings loads more awesome YuGiOh cards to the game, including more Elemental Heros and Neo Spacians. Ritual monsters and Normal become better than ever with new support cards.
Dark Revelations Volumes 1, 2 and 3 are truly great sets with most of the cards from the Pharonic Guardian, Magician's Force, Dark Crisis, Invasion of Chaos, Ancient Sanctuary, Soul of the Duelist, Rise of Destiny, Flamming Eternity and The Lost Millenium sets reprinted. Released March 2005, October 2005, and Januaryr 2007 repectively.
Reveal the amazing abilities of the Cyberdark Dragons, Zane Truesdale's new army! Two more LV families debut here, along with new additions to the Fiend monster type! The Duels will get so intense, that even Chancellor Sheppard will have to throw his hand in and join the fights with his behemoth, Cyber Ogre 2!
Meet Jaden's new army of monsters, the Neo Spacians! And these Monsters bring with them a new power, Contact Fusion, which takes your monsters and fuses them without the use of Polymerization! Aster and Syrus are also back and they are bringing all new Destiny Heroes with them.
This set looks like being just as popular as Shadow of Infinity and Cybernetic Revolution! 60 new cards from the hit show Yu-Gi-Oh! GX including a preview of cards from the second season. Its a battle of the Heroes as Jadens Elemental Heroes fight against a new Duelists Destiny Heroes! The Cyber Dragons are joined by 2 new Cyber Monsters plus new Harpie Monsters!
This looks like being the most popular YuGiOh! Release ever! 60 fantastic new GX cards including some of the most powerful monsters ever unleashed such as the powerful Emperors who are the GX equivalents to the God cards!. This set builds upon many familiar themes such as Cyber Dragons, Ancient Gear creatures and of course E-Heroes!
Be one of the first to grab this great new expansion set! Introducing the all new GX cards and the long awaited card trio: Jack's Knight, Queen's Knight, and King's Knight! Plus the power of the Elemental Hero Shining Flame Wingman, the strongest 'E-Hero' to date. This is another must have set for the serious duelist
Cybernetic Revolution was officially released on the 17th August 2005 in America. Full set contains 60 cards including the fabulous Cyber Dragons and Vehicroids. Plus you can use Power Bond to summon the ultimate Machine Fusion Monsters.
Flaming Eternity was officially released on the 7th March 2005. Full set contains 60 cards including popular cards such as Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys, Silent Swordsman LV5 and Gearfreed the Swordsmaster.
Rise of Destiny came out on 20 November 2004. Full set contains 64 cards including the 4 great Special Edition cards and 60 fantastic cards including the already much sought after "The Creator", the Harpie Lady set and the Ultimate Rare versions . Nearly all our cards are 1st edition and went straight from the packs to storage sleeves or boxes.
This set introduces the Fabulous Ultimate Rare cards for the first time outside Japan. These cards have extra holo effects and there is one for every Rare, Super Rare and Ultra Rare in the set. They are very hard to find so the prices match! And the set also has some great cards in all categories, with 5 or 6 real duel winners.
Ancient Sanctuary was released world wide in June 2004. 112 cards to collect including two Secret Rares (000 The End of Anubis and 111 Mazera DeVille) plus great cards like Blowback Dragon and Enemy Controlller.
Invasion of Chaos was released world wide for the first time in March 2004. 112 cards to collect including two secret rares (000 Chaos Emperor Dragon and 111 Invader of Darkness )
Dark Crisis came out in America just before Christmas 2003. Full set contains 106 cards including two great secret rares, 000 Vampire Lord and 105 Judgement of Anubis, although just as popular a card is the powerful rare 4 star Archfiend Soldier.
The US Magicians Force set came out towards the end of 2003 and with cards like Dark Magician Girl, was eagerly awaited. Complete set has 108 cards.
In our view this is a great set. Amongst the 105 cards look out for Mage Power, United We Stand, Royal Command, Magic Cylinder and Gemini Elf. Now available in European form.
The fourth set has 105 cards including secret rares, Jinzo and Imperial Order. Others well worth hunting for include Mirror Wall, Premature Burial and Buster Blader. European 1st Edition now released and available on site
The US and Worldwide Magic Ruler Cards were the third set out and include many great cards such as Mystical Space Typhoon, Relinquished, and the secret rare Serpent Night Dragon. This deck introduced the Toon Monsters, including the other secret rare to be found, Blue Eyes Toon Dragon. Complete set has 104 cards. The code for these cards are MRL-XXX, SRL-XXX, SRL-ENXXX
Metal Raiders, with 144 cards, remains the largest set. Find Gate Guardian, Summoned Skull, B Skull Dragon, Mirror Force, Horn of Heaven and Thousand Dragon. European and American sets identical,
The first set ever. US verion has 126 cards, European version has 103 cards. Blue Eyes, Red-Eyes, Dark Magician, Exodia bits, Tri-horned Dragon, Man-Eater Bug, Raigeki, Dark Hole, Fissure ... they're all there!